Self-Care for Family Carers: Can the Alexander Technique help?

Wolverson, E., Glover, L. &  Clappison, D..J (2022)  Self-Care for Family Carers: Can the Alexander Technique help? Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 46, 101546 

In this small-scale study, eight family carers of people with dementia attended a single Alexander Technique (AT) group session taught by two STAT registered teachers. The session introduced the AT through guided explorations along with a small amount of Alexander hands on teaching. After the session, participants completed a brief questionnaire and took part in a focus group discussion about the session and about the potential for AT as an intervention for family carers. The focus group was facilitated by a researcher who was not involved in the group. Carers found the group helpful and enjoyable. They valued having time for themselves and the idea that the AT could fit into everyday life. They talked about the usefulness of having a way to stop and find a less ‘doing’ mode. They found the session had a calming effect on them and commented positively on the element of touch. A significant concern for carers was how to care for their family member while they attended the group. This small exploratory study contributes to the evidence that learning the AT may be helpful for those managing the physical and emotional demands of caring. Thought needs to be given as to how to make it feasible for carers to access an AT intervention.

Health and well-being