The Alexander Technique community is open to all and STAT, the oldest and largest organisation of Alexander Technique, invites you to join.
Please request an application form by emailing
UK Teaching Member
As a UK based Alexander Technique Teacher, being a member of STAT means that you will receive:
- Our printed newsletter STATnews sent in January, May and September plus access to a digital copy
- Our biannual journal, the Alexander Journal
- You will be informed of any public events organised by STAT
- Invitation to our Annual General Meeting and to our Annual Memorial Lecture
- Being eligible to contribute in the discussions prior to and to cast your vote during the STAT Annual General Meeting
- Information on STAT CPD events which you will be able to attend
- being eligible to use the initials MSTAT after your name in your publicity material
- being covered by STAT's insurance policy
- receiving assistance during your application for a Disclosure and Barring Service Check (fee not included in your membership subscription)
- being eligible to hire promotional material (banners, posters etc.) from STAT for talks or presentations
- The current annual fee is £309
World Teaching Member
If you are based and teaching the Alexander Technique abroad you can become an Affiliate (if the country you live in has an Affiliated Society to STAT) or Non-Affiliate World Teaching Member of STAT. As a World Teaching Member you will receive:
- Our printed newsletter STATnews sent in January, May and September plus access to a digital copy
- Our biannual journal, the Alexander Journal
- You will be informed of any public events organised by STAT
- Invitation to our Annual General Meeting and to our Annual Memorial Lecture
- Being eligible to contribute in the discussions prior to and to cast your vote during the STAT Annual General Meeting
- Information on STAT CPD events which you will be able to attend
- being eligible to use the initials MSTAT after your name in your publicity material
- being able to access the members' section of the STAT website
- creating and editing your public profile on the STAT website
- advertising your private lessons and your courses on the STAT website
- being eligible to contribute in the discussions prior to and to cast your vote during the STAT Annual General Meeting
- The current annual fee for World Teacher is £192 and World Affiliated Teacher is £83
Student Member
If you are training to become an Alexander Technique teacher in one of the STAT approved Training Courses, you will enjoy the following benefits:
- Our printed newsletter STATnews sent in January, May and September plus access to a digital copy
- Our biannual journal, the Alexander Journal
- You will be informed of any public events organised by STAT
- Invitation to our Annual General Meeting and to our Annual Memorial Lecture
- Being eligible to contribute in the discussions prior to and to cast your vote during the STAT Annual General Meeting
- Information on STAT CPD events which you will be able to attend
- (After joining within 12 months of registering on a course) Being eligible for Moderation during your 6th and 9th terms by a STAT Moderator
- Being certified by STAT at the end of your training
- The current annual fee is £80 (increasing to £100 in January 2026)
STAT Supporter
STAT Supporter membership is open to anyone who is interested in the Alexander Technique and/or is having lessons with an Alexander Technique teacher. As Supporter you will enjoy the following benefits:
- Our printed newsletter STATnews - sent in January, May and September
- Our biannual journal, the Alexander Journal
- You will be informed of any public events organised by STAT
- You will be invited to our Annual General Meeting and to our Annual Memorial Lecture
- The current annual fee is £43
Non-Teaching Member
This membership category is open to all Alexander Technique teachers who are either taking a break from teaching or are permanently retired. As retired member you will enjoy all the benefits of the Supporter, and in addition you will:
- Be informed of STAT CPD events which you will be able to attend at a reduced rate
- Be eligible to contribute in the discussions prior to and to cast your vote during the STAT Annual General Meeting
- The current annual fee is £62
Note: You cannot be a non-Teaching member if you are still actively teaching.