During a recent traumatic period I was able to maintain physical wellness, and through that, mental wellness at a time when I could have gone downhill rapidly. The Alexander Technique gives you the control and 'power' to deal with anything physical that life throws at you.

I was recommended the Alexander Technique for my problems with back pain. It took a few lessons before I noticed a subtle but very noticeable difference. Mainly in confidence; I no longer 'feared' my back going, as I had structures in place to deal with it. I've been doing it now for 17 years, seeing my teacher once a month. I am sure that, had I not found the Technique, I'd have gone down the road of further back operations, and would probably be in a wheelchair by now. Can't rate it too highly.

I had suffered from lower back pain for around six years and regular chiropractic wasn't really helping me. It was only by chance that I saw an Alexander Technique course advertised and it turned out to be such a fantastic investment in myself. After my first lesson I had my first pain free week in six years!! Now that the course has finished, I have remained pain free. I am now aware of how much less effort can be put on my body just by doing things in the Alexander Technique way.

The Alexander Technique has improved my posture so I’m more upright and seeing the top of buildings I’d never noticed for 20 years. It’s also helped with lower back pain and tightness in my upper back and neck. During the 6 months I’ve been learning the Technique I’ve had virtually no football injuries, and friends say I look younger. This has made a radical difference.
I started the Alexander Technique because of headaches and lower back pain. Both of these are almost eradicated, but after some months of seeing my Alexander teacher I no longer require my steroid inhaler for asthma either.