Performers of all kinds have long recognised the value in learning the Alexander Technique as part of developing and improving their skills.
From actors and storytellers to politicians and barristers, the ability to use their voice and their whole presence to express themselves is of paramount importance and the Alexander Technique offers a practical and demonstrable tool in training and honing in performance skills.
The same applies to singers. The Alexander Technique helps classical, jazz and popular singers, whether soloists or singing in choirs or large classical choruses.
Musicians of all genres recognise the need for a top quality instrument and know how important it is to look after it. Similarly, they benefit from using the Alexander Technique to learn to use themselves with the greatest skill as they are the instrument that plays that instrument.
All performers have to be free in their bodies to move with balance and good co-ordination. Perhaps this is most true for dancers. The Alexander Technique can provide another dimension to the dancer's sense of guiding the movements from within themselves.
Performing of any kind means being out there in front of an audience. The Alexander Technique can help you overcome ‘stage nerves’.
High energy and coordination are essential to a good performance. These can be enhanced by developing the Alexander Technique skills of directed body use and refined attention. The Technique helps in this by developing in the performer a high level of awareness while at the same time help discard unwanted postural and emotional habits, to prevent pain and reduce stress and performance anxiety.
The Alexander Technique helps us to acquire balance in performance of being both calm and unhurried, and yet full of energy and ready to act responses.
It helps us to free our senses so we begin to use them to our full capacity, become more conscious of the way we interact with our environment, and in doing so we become better equipped to understand our stereotypical responses and habitual patterns.
Please click on the links to the right to find out more.
The Technique is taught in all the major performing arts colleges in the United Kingdom, and has also been introduced in a number of elementary and secondary schools.