- Neck pain is a leading cause of disability, and is the fourth most common health condition out of 291 reported worldwide.
- Chronic neck pain can be quite complex in nature and it is often considered as more difficult to manage than chronic back pain.
- The problem of chronic neck pain is likely to grow because of increasing computer and mobile technology use ('text neck').
- After back pain, neck pain and posture are the most common reasons for taking Alexander Technique lessons.
- In a major clinical trial funded by Arthritis Research UK and run by the University of York, one-to-one Alexander lessons led to long-term improvement in pain and associated disability for people who had chronic neck pain. Read more here: https://alexandertechnique.co.uk/research/ATLAS
Hoy D, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2014;73:1309–15
Jull G, et al. Whiplash, Headache and Neck Pain; Churchill Livingston 2008
Eldred J, et al. Comp Ther Med 2015;23:451–61
Cuéllar JM, Lanman TH, "Text neck": an epidemic of the modern era of cell phones?, Spine Journal 2017;17:901−902
MacPherson H, et al. Alexander Technique lessons or acupuncture sessions for persons with chronic neck pain: A randomized trial. Annals of Internal Medicine 2015;163:653−62.