Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
100 Renfrew Street
G2 3DB

Isobel Anderson
Linda Wyman
David Bailey
Lynn MacLean

Here at RCS music students are offered 4 free lessons each year of their studies with a possibility of paying for more lessons at a reduced rate, subsidised by the RCS. There are also choice modules in 3 levels (AT1, AT2, AT3) open to students of all the disciplines studied here which allows them to study the Technique in small groups.

Students are super keen on Alexander work. They are encouraged to have a questioning attitude towards their own expression of themselves in performance and in everyday life and are invited to question and discuss how the Alexander principles might impact  on their lives, their thinking, their movements and especially on their performance.

The Technique now has a definite place in the RCS and the work is gradually growing in numbers and in enthusiasm from both students and management.

Student quotes
“Being more aware of my actions in everyday life as well as in violin playing has really helped in being more aware of my body and and knowing that I don’t actually “need” to carry out certain tensions and movements in order to carry out actions. Alexander Technique has been a majorly useful practice for me and I feel much more freedom in my body, mainly in my neck, when practising or rehearsing in orchestra”

“Studying the Alexander Technique this year as an academic module in a class format has been thoroughly interesting, watching other people come to the same realisations as me, all of us beginning to understand and use our bodies more appropriately and effectively. Of course the benefits I've felt when applying the method to my playing have been the most instantly gratifying, but it’s the changes of perception and use of mind that I think I’ll come to appreciate most in the long run”

"I can genuinely say that before i began the Alexander Technique I thought of my own body as something i had to work against. i have felt uncomfortable in my own skin for as long as i can remember, and I think due to that i have wanted to separate myself from my own physical presence, and i don’t think i ever realised I was doing it. alexander Technique has opened my eyes to how effortless and freeing proper use of my body can be."