The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) was founded in the UK in 1958 by teachers trained by FM Alexander. There are currently over 2500 teaching members of STAT and its Affiliated Societies world-wide.
STAT is a Company Limited by Guarantee, registration number: 5533966. It is registered in England and Wales.
For details of our Constitution please refer to our Articles and Rules.
Diversity and Anti-discrimination Statement
STAT supports diversity and opposes racism and every other form of prejudice or discrimination. It deplores all expressions thereof, in any form, contemporary or historical. STAT and its members stand apart from any and all prejudicial or discriminatory passages in the writings of F M Alexander. They neither expound nor define the body of practice and theory that has come to be known as the Alexander Technique; they play no part in the manner in which the Technique is taught in STAT- approved teacher training schools or in the practice of the Technique by its Teaching Members; Alexander’s writings are not treated as core texts, but as historical texts read critically for reference. Equality and freedom from discrimination are fundamental to STAT’s advancement of the Technique.
We aim to provide the highest standards of teacher training and professional practice.
Our teaching members:
- are registered (MSTAT) to teach the Technique after completing an approved three-year training course, or having reached a standard approved by STAT
- are required to adhere to the Society’s published Code of Professional Conduct and Competence
- are DBS checked
- are covered by professional indemnity insurance
We also aim to promote public awareness and understanding of the Alexander Technique, and to encourage research.
We run a post-graduate programme of Continuing Professional Development, publish a regular newsletter (STATNews) and The Alexander Journal, and hold a national Annual Conference.
The Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
STAT members have the option to register with CNHC.
CNHC is the UK voluntary regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners that was set up with government support to protect the public by providing a UK voluntary register of complementary therapists. CNHC's register has been approved as an Accredited Voluntary Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA). This means CNHC has met the PSA’s demanding standards. All CNHC registered practitioners are entitled to use CNHC’s quality mark which incorporates the PSA Accreditation mark.
To find out more about the CNHC email info@cnhc.org.uk, call 020 3668 0406, or visit www.cnhc.org.uk.
CNHC Registration
STAT verifies applications for CNHC registration and members wishing to apply should go to ‘Teacher sign-in’.