Back problems

Guardian Article - The experts: osteopaths on 20 easy and effective ways to treat back pain

The Guardian recently published an interesting article 'Osteopaths on 20 easy and effective ways to treat back pain' where Nick Mann, a GP and NHS osteopath at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine states that he 'believes all schools should teach the Alexander Technique – a series of movements designed to foster the efficient use of muscles – but says it is never too late to le

Taking charge, choosing a new direction: A service evaluation of Alexander Technique lessons for pain clinic patients (SEAT)

Project Report. UWE Bristol, Bristol. 2012

McClean, S. and Wye, L.

Chronic pain sufferers may benefit from learning the Alexander Technique in NHS outpatient pain clinics according to a service evaluation project. More than half of the service users in the study stopped or reduced their use of medications between the start of the lessons and three months, making cost savings to the NHS.