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Jen Elkeles
As well as having a private practice, I work as an Alexander Technique practitioner in a chronic pain clinic in the NHS.
I discovered the Alexander Technique after over a decade of debilitating and chronic back pain & sciatica. I tried everything else: physiotherapy; osteopathy, acupuncture; core strengthening and Pilates. However, the exercises made my back feel even tighter and weaker and I found myself in a recurring cycle of pain. Having already had spinal surgery, I was informed that a spinal fusion would be the next step. A friend suggested that I try the Alexander Technique.
It is now several years now since I started the Technique. I have learned how to have so much more control of my back, and the pain I experienced for so long. My musculature has gradually re-balanced so that the muscles that were so chronically over-working are doing less, and the muscles that were not doing enough have engaged. The Technique is not a quick fix. However, my back feels significantly stronger and I have not experienced sciatica since I started which has been a great relief. I have also experienced psychological benefits and a positive change in my well-being.
After twenty years in the civil service and legal roles in the NHS, I was so inspired by the Technique that I trained as a practitioner so that I could share it with others.
I have also undertaken specialised training for people living with chronic pain and for people living with Parkinson's disease.