
I hadn't realised I was a victim within my own body. The Alexander Technique has provided me with the power to control my body again, which in my case has been transformative.

Joanne Olney - Occupational Therapist

I started the Alexander Technique due to slight scoliosis and a stretched nerve in my left lower back and I thought it would improve my posture which could only help my injury! I've got far more out of the technique than just improved posture! The first thing that I've learned is how to work with my Alexander Technique teacher and my body to control the pain! When the horrible muscle spasms start, I can now use breathing to help instead of lying on the floor helpless. Instead of focusing on what I can't do or do incorrectly, my teacher has helped me to understand what I do right and to do things that I didn't think that I could do. I found out that I have model hips rather than a twisted spine and that I can sit on an exercise ball without falling over! In short, the technique has made a huge difference to my life. I would recommend it to everyone and strongly believe that it should be on the NHS!

Lyndsey Hayes - Social Sciences teacher

The Alexander Technique helped me release tension which I was previously unaware that I had, in particular when standing at the tee. In the past my mind would have been elsewhere and my thoughts made me more tense. Applying the Technique I discovered relaxing the jaw, feeling my socks in my shoes, sensing the ground beneath my feet and just being there really helped. My drive distance improved and I cut 5 shots in one game. I now play much more relaxed by applying these principles and am more aware of the moment and less focused on the outcome (what Alexander Technique teachers call end-gaining) and my drive distances have improved through being more relaxed and having greater freedom of movement.

Annie Dillnutt, golfer

Alexander Technique came into my life around the same time that I was diagnosed with scoliosis. However, through Alexander Technique I am able to manage my back pain and use my body more efficiently! At the end of a lesson I feel grounded but floating on air. I cannot thank my Alexander Technique teachers enough for the wisdom and health they have given me.

Rebecca Gausnell, Voice Coach, London

I received my first Alexander lesson about 13 years ago when I hurt my back. After that first lesson I felt 95% better. I felt WHOLE. And I continue to receive lessons twice a month.

Carol Meade, Wallingford CT USA