In this disclaimer, the words ”we” or ”us” or ”STAT” refer to the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique.
The Scope of Alexander…
Copyright Statement
This web site is published and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights in existence at any time throughout the world. All web site…
Teachers and pupils - extracts from Code of Professional Conduct
The following are extracts from the STAT Code of Professional Conduct and Professional Competence
1. Consent:
A teacher…
Teacher Training Courses - extracts from STAT Rules
The following is an extract from the Rules of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique which lay down the current requirements for approved training…
About Cookies
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Our website uses cookies. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we put on your computer (unless you have switched cookies…
Privacy Policy
Our commitment
STAT is committed to safeguarding the privacy of those who visit this website. We will comply with all the relevant UK and European data…
You can access key constitutional and policy documents following the links below or by searching our Resource Library.
Articles of Association…