On this page you can find information about
- Statnews
- Advertising options and rates
- Advertising copy and enquiries
- Payment arrangements
- Deadlines
- Announcements on the Members' website
STAT publishes a newsletter - Statnews - which is distributed to members three times per year. A free sample copy is available prospective advertisers on request, by emailing your request with your postal address to stat@alexandertechnique.co.uk.
Advertising in Statnews - options and rates
Announcements (similar to a classified ad). For non-members announcements cost 20p per word, with a minimum charge of £6. Please just email the words and the editor will put them in for you. (For Members of STAT or Affiliated Societies, announcements are free).
Boxed adverts are £60 for one quarter of an A4 page (85mm X 126mm), or pro rata for half a page or a full page. Boxed adverts can be emailed in any standard format (eg PDF). Or you can email the words and any pictures or logo and the Editor can make the advert up for no extra charge.
A loose flyer usually costs around £250, depending on postage costs. If you are producing the flyer especially for Statnews, the Editor needs to approve a final proof before you go to print, and you are responsible for delivering the required number of copies to the STAT office in London or at the printers' address. Please check with the STAT Office before mailing any material. You can specify which categories of member are to receive your flyer (for example, it may not be worth sending them overseas).
Your advertising copy and enquiries
All advertising copy and enquiries (other than about payment - for which see the next section) should be emailed to the editor, Jamie McDowell, at statnews@alexandertechnique.co.uk
Advertisements are accepted at the Editor's discretion. The advertising policy for Statnews and mailouts is available as a pdf by clicking here
Payment arrangements
Advertisers must provide an invoice name and address when placing an advert. Invoices are issued by the STAT Office shortly after publication. Any enquiries about payment methods and the like should be sent to stat@alexandertechnique.co.uk or use our Contact Form.
The deadlines for Statnews are as follows:
- January issue - end of November
- May issue - end of March
- September issue - end of July
Announcements on the Members' section of the website
Another option that may be of interest is an announcement/notice on the Members' section of the STAT website. For example you might run a multidisciplinary clinic and wish to employ an Alexander Teacher.
To download the Website Advertising Policy & Rates, click here.
To request such an announcement/notice please email the STAT Office at stat@alexandertechnique.co.uk.