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Angelique Swallow
I had my first Alexander Lesson in my early twenties, because of experiencing constant aches and pains two years after a shoulder operation for reoccurring dislocations.
All my attempts at finding a solution, which included running and other sporty activities, only resulted in aggravating the situation and within a short time, I was also in pain during the night and at rest.
I was fortunate enough to have caught the last 20 minutes of a Channel4 Documentary, as I immediately realised that it was the way I moved and the way I held myself that caused my issues. I literally found an Alexander Technique Teacher the next day and have never looked back. Becoming pain free within a very short time, made me a very dedicated students and eventually extremely passionate Teacher.
Experiencing no pain during all my activities, from heavy lifting working in a Bronze Foundry, to sitting for hours on a computer was truly life changing and very liberating. I started to experience not only a physical, but also a deep emotional wellbeing, that I seem to have lost during my development from childhood into adulthood. I still today feel very privileged to have found AT, as I now can enjoy ageing gracefully and hopefully without any aches and pains
I give private lessons, courses and public talks to share my knowledge and understanding of FM Alexander scientific discoveries. He was one of the great modern pioneers who discovered and understood the importance of psycho-physical unity.