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- Fumiaki Tanaka
Fumiaki Tanaka
I first came across the Alexander Technique over 25 years ago while studying acting in the US. I was fascinated by its holistic approach and its potential for performer training. I specialise in teaching performers but I also work with people with chronic pain.
I came to the UK to complete an MA in Physical Theatre. My research in performer training naturally led me to study the Alexander Technique in London.
I have been teaching the Alexander Technique since 2003, both in private practice and in drama schools and universities in the UK, Japan and US. I am also an associate lecture at Plymouth University, where I teach movement and physical theatre.
I have a diverse training background in mind-body work, including meditation, yoga, qi-gong, Tai-Chi, Feldenkrais, Contact Improvisation and more. I am also a teacher of Laban (a form of movement analysis) and have studied with some of Rudolf Laban's students.
Recently, while living in Japan I trained in Aikido in Ayabe Kyoto, the birthplace of Aikido. I was fascinated by the similarity between the principles of Aikido and the Alexander technique.
I incorporate mindfulness, Buddhist practices and Three Principles into my Alexander Technique teaching. I am passionate about mind-body work and am constantly exploring Ki (Chi) work through other disciplines to continuously develop my Alexander Technique pra