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- Charlotte Rolleston-Smith
Charlotte Rolleston-Smith
We cannot control life but we do have the freedom to choose our response – easily said, but not so easy to do. We are each caught in a self-made bind of mental/physical habits which drive us automatically down the same reaction paths again and again. I teach the Alexander Technique because it provides a method of breaking the grip of subconscious habit, freeing us to truly change.
Graduate of University of Otago NZ - 1974
Graduate of New Alexander School, Hampstead, London - 1986
Since 1986: Practising Alexander Technique teacher
2010 - 2016: Member of STAT Council
Since 2016: Further administrative role within STAT governance
When I came to London from NZ in the mid 1970’s I found a city magical with new ideas, new thinking and new possibilities. Within this mix, and quite by chance, I learnt of the Alexander Technique and was immediately taken with the insight and practicality of Alexander’s work. Its common sense was unmistakeable, its potential remarkable; an invaluable tool for so many in so many different situations. I knew without doubt that I had met my vocation and that my lifetime of work would be to teach others how to use the AT in their own lives. And so it has proved. I have taught continuously since qualifying in 1986 and, with the passing years and my ever widening experience of the help it gives, my respect for this simple yet sophisticated discipline constantly deepens.