I had nothing especially wrong before starting Alexander Technique lessons except perhaps a vague awareness that my posture wasn’t good.
From my first lesson I was hooked, immediately feeling the beneficial effects of ease and lightness. From my second lesson I decided that I wanted to become a teacher. It was both the practical and mental challenge of putting across a very unique concept of how to improve posture, movement and general co-ordination that really appealed to me.
Having worked for many years in an office based job, I have a particularly good understanding of the problems of too much time spent sitting in front of a computer!
I also enjoy walking/hiking, swimming, cycling and yoga as well as singing – all of which are immeasurably more enjoyable due to my application of the Alexander Technique.
What I particularly like about the Alexander Technique is the fact that this is a small set of practical skills that you can apply to absolutely anything and everything you do. It’s yours to own and use every day of your life.
I very much look forward to helping you to discover it for yourself.