Group classes in Walsden

Onetime session

Learn to move with freedom

Each week, we aim to perform an everyday activity with less tension, better posture, improved co-ordination and greater freedom - climbing a step, writing, using tools ...

Classes include

  • group games to raise awareness of unhelpful habits
  • practical anatomy with Bob the skeleton
  • question and answer sessions
  • applying Alexander principles to an activity

Tuesdays 1.30 – 3.00 pm, 11th, 18th 25th June

Cost: £12 per 90 minute session including tea and biscuits! First class is free!

Classes are drop-in but please book in advance, especially if you haven't been before so I can keep tabs on numbers

What do the sessions involve?

Alexander Technique is usually taught with a combination of verbal instructions and hands-on guidance to help you adopt freer and more efficient patterns of movement.

In the group sessions we will learn to recognise where and how we are 'over working' in performing simple activities like climbing a step or writing. Most people use more postural muscle tone than they need, for example by tensing the neck or knees when they don't need to. We aim to give you guidance and practice so you can see this working in yourself.

With AT you will learn clear thought processes that allow you to stay out of the way so that your natural and economical movements can 'do themselves'. We don't aim to strengthen specific muscles (although that may occur) - we aim to send more helpful signals and instructions to the musculature as a whole. Mainly, this is done by avoiding unhelpful habits of over working.

We also learn some very basic anatomy - knowing where your joints are helps you to establish a reliable 'body map' which is important for integrated movement.

We give instruction in the semi-supine or 'active rest' exercise. This is an excellent way to calm down the nervous system, give your back a rest and reset your body map.

Who should attend?

Anyone who wants to move with more freedom including:

  • Anyone with back or neck ache
  • Musicians and performance artists
  • Sports men and women including horse riders
  • Anyone using tools





Course type
£12 per session (first one free)
07977 598064
Start Date
End Date
Tuesdays 1.30-3 pm