Musicians are aware that they themselves are the instruments that play their instrument, and nowhere is that more true than for the singer where the instrument –their vocal mechanism– is an integral part of themselves.
Singers come to the Technique mainly for two reasons: pain or technical limitation. The Alexander Technique can help you, the singer, become free from vocal pain - and it can help take your singing technique to a level you never imagined possible.
The basic principles of the Alexander Technique can help you become aware of and eliminate habitual patterns that hinder freedom of voice and singing.
Learning to use your body and your whole self better can help you move, sing and breathe with more freedom.
The Alexander Technique can help you with:
- Breathing and vital capacity
- Support for the voice and breath
- Creative expression
- Performance nerves
- Jaw and tongue tension
- Healthy voice use
- Stamina
- Extending vocal range
- Confidence