I'm a qualified teacher of the Alexander Technique and a teaching member of STAT.
And I’m a professional photographer and visual artist with many exhibitions over many years. My search for solutions to my severe and frequent headaches since childhood finally brought me to the Alexander Technique.
I trained with Anthony Kingsley at the Alexander Teacher Training School (ATTS). It was an intense process of self-development and integration, as well as learning how to teach the technique and accompany others in their process. An important part of my training was a trauma-informed and emotionally literate Alexander Technique.
I’m passionate about the holistic and non-invasive approach of unlearning long-standing habits and patterns of reaction to current and past challenges that manifest as physical pain or emotional stress. I believe the Alexander Technique is a true skill for life. Everyone can benefit from it. It's for people from all walks of life, whatever their age or condition. And it can help improve your overall quality of life!
Private Lessons
Kailash Centre,
7 Newcourt Street,
St Johns Wood,
NW8 7AA,
United Kingdom