Why do I have to carry out a written risk assessment?

It is essential that you undertake risk assessments your activities to support you in your risk management. You owe a duty of care to those around you: If an allegation for negligence is made against you the risk assessments will be needed to evidence what you have reasonably been able to do to prevent an incident occurring.

It is a requirement of our insurance that we prepare and implement written risks assessments for the work that we do. This is required for Covid 19 and non-Covid 19 risks. This has always been a requirement of our insurance and you should prepare a written risk assessment for all of your teaching. STAT has previously provided guidance on risk assessment and the Health and Safety Executive has lots of guidance to help you carry out and record your risk assessments. You can find the guidance at the links below:

STAT: https://alexandertechnique.co.uk/members/risk-management

HSE: https://www.hse.gov.uk/simple-health-safety/risk/index.htm?utm_source=h…